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New York Philharmonic Kidzone

Ulster County

Meet famous composers, meet musicians, Learn about instruments, Kids, interested in music, teach Kids, entertain, engage child, child, in Music, Musicians', Composers', Instrument, Conductor, Philharmonic New York Philharmonic Kidzone

The New York Philharmonic KidZone offers many exciting sections that will teach, entertain, and engage your child in the art of Music. Kids and adults can explore theGame Room, Musicians' Lounge, Composers' Gallery, Instrument Storage Room, Instrument Laboratory, Conductor/Soloist Dressing Rooms, Newsstand, Composition, and Workshop.

Meet famous composers at The Composer's Gallery or meet the musicians in the Musicians' Lounge. Learn about different categories of instruments in the Instrument Lab; you can even make your own instrument. Kids can also create their own music at the Composition Workshop.

The New York Philharmonic KidZone is a must for anyone interested in music. Press blue button to hear and see this unique website.

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