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A Walk in The Woods - Children's Guide to Walking & Hiking

Dutchess County

website, K3, older children, Kids, explore the environment, Bill Bryson, walk on the Appalachian Trail, learn the basics, Tips, Teachers Guide, Nature Notes, youngest child, parents and teachers A Walk in The Woods - Children's Guide to Walking & Hiking

A Walk in the Woods website can be enjoyed by K3 and older children. Kids and adults learn the basics of enjoying a safe and fun walk in the woods. Tips given to make your walk safe and enjoyable include wearing the right shoes, bringing insect repellant, identifying poison oak and poison ivy, and more. Site sections include a Teachers Guide, Nature Notes, Getting Ready, Fun Place, and Resources.

A Walk in the Woods website conveys information in simple and easy to follow steps that can be followed by even the youngest child. The Teachers' Guide can be used by parents and teachers as an opportunity to explore the environment.

The word is A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson is a wonderfully funny and engaging tale of Bryson's walk on the Appalachian Trail. Follow him on his walk and prepare to laugh out loud.

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